Monday, 26 December 2011

Aafia Siddiqui - A modern day horror story

I am not here to discuss Aafia Siddiquis innocence or guilt. I'm simply highlighting the tragic and horrific truth of her story.

Aafia Siddiqui and her three children were abducted around March 2003, because a man who was water boarded mentioned her name. Now lets just think about this, 2003 was a horrible time to be in Pakistan / Afghanistan, everyone had heard the horrific tales of abuse in captivity. As a women, can you just imagine her fear not only for herself but for her children. Throughout history, those in a position of power over alleged criminals have violated it - Zimbardo et al proved that! Now not only is she captive so are her young children, one is still a baby. (I refuse to comment on the fact that she was hunted down because a man mentioned her name while being drowned almost to death!)

No one actually knows where she was held, but Moazzam Begg has many times mentioned a lady he was forced to hear screaming in Bagram Prison, there was a female prisoner held there - prisoner 650 also known as the Grey Lady of Bagram. Many believe that female prisoner was Aafia Siddiqui. In that prison we have proof that mens dignity and honour was violated, what they did to women there doesn't bare thinking about. A picture tells a thousand stories, so I show you below a picture of Aafia before and after captivity - no one can deny it shows a broken women.

Don't make stupid comments like 'well she's come out of prison how do you expect her to look!' - when I see men / women come out of the prisons in the UK they're usually fatter than when they went in! They don't come out looking dehydrated, disheveled, underweight and have broken noses!

I'd like to highlight that Aafia Siddiquis' CHILDREN were abducted also. Where were the worlds chid protection laws for them? Was it because they were muslim the laws were no longer valid?? I'm not trying to insight hate, but this is how racial tensions arise because one universal rule is abandoned for certain types of people (this was also done to Omar Khadr, who is now carrying out a sentence in Guantanamo even though he was a child when taken captive). The true tragedy of this case is that FIVE years later Aafia Siddiquis son re-emerged, he has never spoken out about where he was or what happened. Aafias' daughter re-emerged SEVEN years later, she too has never spoken about where she was or what happened during those seven years. This may be selfish but I'm glad i have not been told...Aafias youngest child is still unaccounted for - presumed dead. Yet no one bats an eye lid...

From 2003 - 2008 what happened to Aafia Siddiqui? Her family claim that she was held in Bagram prison, routinely tortured and raped. If this is the case then a rational person can admit that this would have an effect on an individuals mental health. When her mental health was assessed, not ONE but TWO professionals came to the conclusion that she was unfit to stand trial. Another 'professional' was brought in and deemed her fit - the judge sided with this individual. Since Aafias story is entwined with injustice I doubt she was surprised by this verdict. In her own words "there's too many injustices", this just reinforced it. Eventually the trial came to an end, with its fair share of drama and outbursts  - outbursts of an individual who had been through things we cant even imagine and lost all hope in justice. In Sept 2010 she was sentenced to 86 years. As she was sentenced she made an appeal urging forgiveness and asked the public not to take any action in retaliation - Are these really the words a terrorist?? If anything, now was her chance to insight hate and make the most of it since in the eyes of her supporters (and rational thinkers) this was a MASSIVE injustice.

Sadly her story does not end here, she is carrying out her sentence at the Federal Medical Center, Carswell. At this establishment, over a seven year period, seven members of staff have been convicted of sexual abuse. A 2007 government report in England says "Estimates from research suggest that between 75 and 95 percent of rape crimes are never reported to the police', so yes seven were convicted but how many are still there?

I hope that Aafia finds some comfort in the knowledge that people are aware of her, they know her name and her story. I hope and pray she finds peace in her faith.

"I appeal to God and He hears me" - Aafia Siddiqui.

Indeed He does and I too pray for her, her children and her forgiveness because we should never have let it get this far....

Sunday, 18 December 2011


We seriously under rate kindness.

If only we could display the awesomeness of kindness for the whole world to see, we'd all be trying to out do each other in it! It is kindness that gets us through the day, it is kindness that gives us hope and it is kindness that is the foundation of a happy home.

When your feeling down in the dumps and your parent/sibling/friend says not to worry its all going to be okay, you want to believe them but deep down you think 'Well obviously they're going to say that'. I don't do that. If someone i know is in a pretty bad situation I'm not going to sugar coat it. The truth is they are in a tough place. But what I am going to do is listen to every single word that comes out their mouth. Honestly, listening is one of the toughest skills to acquire - but once you do, you realise the true value of it! Kindness isn't just about smiling to strangers and making others feel good about themselves, it's about taking the time to get to know the individual that stands before you. It's about learning to adapt to the needs of other people. I know that I cannot behave with my co-workers the way i can with my friends. I know that sarcasm is not appreciated by some friends so do not use it, whereas with others it's an ongoing thing! I know, even through texts, when a friend is feeling down in the dumps and I know how to approach the issue too.

We live in a society that tells us we shouldn't have to change for anyone. We should not change our ways to suit others because that means we aren't doing what makes us happy! What a load of cods wallops! Its shit like that that's let yobs get away with so much! Those who are unwilling to adapt to different people and situations are the ones who are left behind.
When i talk about adapting I'm not talking about changing YOUR personality i'm talking about the way you address people, how you talk to one person differs to another. I, as a Muslim, have to pray 5 times a day. Even if I'm at work or in a shopping center. But how I go about it differs depending on where I am and who I'm with.When a women / man looks at me either trying to be intimidating or looking rather uncomfortable, I smile. A smile is a doorway to conversation, If the person is curious then he/she knows now is their chance to start a conversation, if not then they see that I am neither a threat nor am I easily intimidated!

I remember walking around town and an elderly man gave me way, so I smiled and thanked him. He said something that I will probably never forget : 'What a beautiful smile, you should show it off more often', not only did he make my day hopefully I too made him happy. How often do we under value something as simple as a smile - how stingy have we become!

And for those muslims out there reading this then here's something that should encourage you even more so :
Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, once said: "Charity is prescribed for each descendant of Adam every day the sun rises."
He was then asked: "From what do we give charity every day?"
The Prophet answered: "The doors of goodness are many...enjoining good, forbidding evil, removing harm from the road, listening to the deaf, leading the blind, guiding one to the object of his need, hurrying with the strength of one's legs to one in sorrow who is asking for help, and supporting the feeble with the strength of one's arms--all of these are charity prescribed for you."
He then said: "Even your smile for your brother is a charity."

So in all seriousness - LETS GET SMILING!! :) 

Wednesday, 14 December 2011


This new bill is a whole load of cods wallop!!

Never has and never will indefinite detention on home soil or abroad been a reasonable or effective solution. The idea of it is preposterous!

All indefinite detention (without trial) does is incite more hatred and animosity between the two parties.
Since when has actually standing by the principles that your nation was founded upon been a weakness? Since when has been fair and just been a weakness? Since when has such obvious stupidity and oppression been acceptable!! Oh I could go on forever!!!!

This doesn't just affect US citizens it affects any one from any country - why can the US decide my fate! If you want to find out more details about the bill then feel free to google it - I am not going to copy and paste facts so that you either assume I am bias or that I have pasted snippets that suit me.

All these types of laws do is encourage stereotyping and discrimination. They also give radicals' material and motive to continue saying what they say. The government only has itself to thank when a young boy is torn away from his father and later goes on to exact his revenge. If anything the government should spend the money they intend to waste on keeping people locked up forever on rehabilitation. Does it really cost that much more to sit and talk things through...this method only has benefits.
If you are arrested and face the prospect of indefinite detention then you are willing to do anything to get out of it - FACT! But once you start attending group circles that actually face the issues rather than bury them it catches your attention, and you begin to listen. Eventually you start interacting,  then start voicing your opinion which leads to counter arguments. These counter arguments may go against your opinion but the logic behind them trumps yours - resulting in a change in your beliefs and attitude. If the people who hold you treat you with respect or at the very least treat you right then you cannot complain...but if they are first class tossers to you then you believe you have every right to hate them and to tell your family how awful they are which spreads and leads to further hatred towards the system in place. Kindness has never and will never be a weakness. Ignorance and fear is, these new laws in place just show us how afraid the US is...surely a nation with confidence in their abilities would not stoop to such low levels.

Yes my method may be way too simple to be effective, but usually the simplest and most obvious method is!!

Next time Iran does something to its own citizens & the US releases some pathetic statement then I wholeheartedly hope Iran tells them to F*** off! The US has lost the right to be known as the "land of the free...", well done Obama!

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Tis the season to be jolly...

Not to put a downer on things - but is it really?

I'm sitting in my warm house knowing my dads sounds asleep in good health, while there is a child out there who has never seen / met his father because my government won't bring him back from Guantanamo Bay.

Shaker Aamer, has been held for almost 10 years - for 10 years old his children have been unable to see him or hear his voice! He was unofficially cleared for released in 2007 and officially for 2 years, so why does the government still insist on using up valuable tax payer money on keeping him holed up there??!

Why are we blind and deaf to this injustice!! When you sit around your table on Christmas eve and all wake up to open your gifts on the 25th, think about those who are waking up holed in cells they DO NOT belong in. Think about those children who are unjustly being punished by being separated from their fathers. To bring the man back to this country is the just thing to do, even if he goes to another prison cell atleast he's a step closer to home than he is now. Recently, Clive Stafford Smith wrote an open letter on how he believes if he is not released soon Shaker Aamer will die there. Imagine you were his son / daughter reading that, you know according to the law he SHOULD be a free man...but yet he's not.

What kind of justice is this? Have we totally lost our sense of righteousness that we can stand by and let this happen?

What can we do to help? How are we going to bring him back - what authority do I have?

Your probably thinking all the above - write to your local MP, heck write to the PM! Or at the very least bring awareness to the issue because although you might not be able to make the change someone out there may be able to and how are they going to do so if they aren't aware...

So this Christmas Day when you open your gifts, just remember how fortunate you are. And if you are a person who prays, I ask that you pray that justice is served and Shaker Aamer and his family are granted freedom from the shackles of tyranny and blatant injustice.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Todays simple message

Today I want you to smile.

When you feel bogged down cos of your work load or cos you don't have work, smile.

When your outside deep in thought and realise your no longer smiling, stop & smile.

Your smile can change someone else's day. YOU have the power to change YOUR day.

Start out positive and nothing will knock you - not your boss, not your family, not your addictions, NOTHING!

Slowly we are becoming a nation that worries from how we look to how we going to afford next months rent. Anxiety has never been wise counsel, take a breath and reassess.

As long as you have life in you, you can change your fortune around. The only person you can rely on to make a change is yourself - believe it!

Here's a little personal story. My eating disorder came back with full force last week, ironically the week i had taken a few days off work. I spent Tues (one of my days off) lying in bed with a banging headache because I was busy starving myself. When I did eventually venture out on Wed I was exhausted mentally and physically. My attitude became negative as I was once again consumed by my eating disorder, when  I got back to work i hated every hour!! I was tired and getting easily frustrated (definitley not normal for me!) and that affected my work with made me even more anxious because I was struggling to get things done.

Today (Monday) I woke up and decided today was going to be different. I had breakfast (tea with a cherry bakewell) and made my way to work - with a smile. I got to work and organised my thoughts and my to-do list. Even when things did i go wrong, i literally took a deep breath and knew that everything was going to be okay...and it was!

I one thing I hate to see is people stressing, I honestly believe that there is nothing on this Earth that deserves that much energy. There are always people wishing to be were you are at in life - never forget that that one mans misery can be another mans dream. (Or something like that!)

Take care fellow homosapians - and dont stress!! If you want to vent then feel free to leave a comment and then let it go!

Monday, 24 October 2011

Dear Prime Minister

To David Cameron,

I say David Cameron because your actions are not of a man I would recognise as a leader therefore I shall not address by the label you are known by.

I am British, born and raised in this land. However, my parents are not. I neither fit in your country nor in theirs. You go on national tv claiming multiculturalism is not working, It's not working because your not seeing it?? Have you bothered to step out of your social circle to see what things are like in the real world?

Do you, David Cameron, walk the streets when it is dark to see who is left out in the darkness with no shleter? Do you, David Cameron, go to a citizens house and ask them how they're coping financial, physically and mentally? Do you, David Cameron, know what the people of the land you are suppose to be defending and protecting are feeling at this very moment?

How can a man who does not know his people, and has no intention to, be called their leader? You stand on podiums day after day talking about budgets, finances and ridding the world of extremism, but what about winning over the people? If the people do not like you then no amount of money can fix that. When people have lost hope in your government, no amount of talking can regain that.

As a citizen of this country, I simply ask that you walk to St.Pauls Cathedral and TALK to the people!
Ask them why they are there, what you can do and make a sincere intention to discuss these issues openly. Our politics have become a joke! You have secrets and you lie, how can you be trusted when you openly betray your so-called allies? Walk the streets at night and ask the teacher sleeping under the bridge how he got there, ask the qualified psychologist how he / she got there. If you get to know the people you'll get to see the REAL issues.

Money can only get you so far, but if the people turn against you, you won't get anywhere.

Yours Sincerley

A concerned citizen

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Gadaffi's Death

Okay here I go!

I don't care about what you may have thought about this guy. Was he a goodie or a baddie - as Tupac famously said 'Only God can Judge me' - well only God can judge him.

To kill a man and THEN to drag him through the streets and to display his corpse all around the world is barbaric and disgusting! To say you wish to remove a tyrant from power only then to mirror his actions (maybe even worse) is despicable and disgraceful. I'm consumed with anger and disappointment, what a shameful way to end such a fight.

Now as always lets try a different scenario! So on our lovely (unbiased!) tv screens we see a taliban member shooting dead a man convicted of dealing drugs - is that more barbaric than dragging a corpse through the street? Can you just imagine the uproar that would cause! Our pathetic Prime Minister / Presidents hollering on about how these awful men deserve to be hunted down and punished (in the process killing 100,000's of civilians!). Yet here they stand on our screens clapping these folks on their backs. "Well done Libyan people you killed a 60+ year old man and dragged him through the streets - great job keep up the brilliant work! P.S. If your Afghani / Iraqi and do the same we WILL invade your country."

What would have been the right course of action? As muslims, and more importantly as humans, they should have taken him into custody. According to some reports he was begging, surely his victims did the same, but would the person who claims to want change then exact revenge or do what the tyrant never did? Actions speak louder than words, and the Libyan peoples actions did not back their words.

Within a few years I'm pretty sure the US and UK will be singing a different tune and preparing troops to invade and destroy the Libyan Land - until then let us all watch them plaster fake smiles around the world while behind the scenes they rub their hands together planning their next move. 

How is killing the man making a difference. How is celebrating ANOTHER death going to make things okay. What does it say about us...

Thursday, 13 October 2011

O how beautiful is freedom

Freedom, how do we define it?

For me freedom is the chance to practice my religion freely without any fear. For you it maybe the right to not believe in a God without any fear. For some it may be the right to bare flesh without any fear of repercussions. For others, it might be to roam the world without any restrictions.

What ever it may be, here's the real question, who decides the definition of freedom? If we go by our governments they're very different in different situations.

Anwar Awlaki, a US citizen, was blatantly assassinated by his government. I aint here to discuss his innocence or guilt I'm just stating facts about this case. The US felt they had the right to go and bomb a man in a whole different nation (nothing new there eh!) but here's the thing what if Iran decided to do the same?

What if we turn on the TV tomorrow and see that Iran decided to bomb a small area of the US because a Iranian born Christian man was claimed to be plotting against the nation? Why does Iran not have the same freedom to roam into another nation, unlike the US / UK government? No one blinked an eyelid at the actions of the US - in fact I'm sure some applaud it. Double standards are a bitch!

Now on to the question of freedom - do any of us actually have a legit claim on freedom? Are any of us really free? I'm going to say no.

We are tied down to mortgages, jobs we hate, taxes we have to pay that are stupidly high! We are lured into the consumerist trap - buying crap we don't need but think we want but in fact by the time we get home we realise we didn't! We all have limited freedom, some we impose upon ourself others are imposed on us.

Whoever decided to come up with the term freedom conned us all - freedom is an illusion we all strive for, but in doing so the journey there is a beautiful one. We all stand as one for a cause we believe in, you just need to look at the Wall Street protests to see that! An even more beautiful example was the Egypt protests (however the recent turmoil is not so exemplary).

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Defining terrorism

"The unofficial or unauthorized use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims"  
- Oxford Dictionary.

People so easily throw around the word terrorism without really thinking about what it REALLY means and who that could apply to. Most will think of bearded men when thinking about terrorists & when asked about terrorism they'll probably think of bearded men blowing shit up in the US/UK.

Here's the thing, by reading the definition that I've pasted above, does that not apply to the US government? The Iraq war was an unauthorized war (war = violence!) in the pursuit of political aims. Again, the same can be said for the tragedy that is Guantanamo Bay prison. The men in that prison will no doubt say that the American government is the biggest terrorist of all, especially when you look at the fact that human rights are blatantly being ignored there. 

Terrorism is defined by an individuals perspective, don't let the government decide for you! Lets just think about this for a second, please make an effort to be objective. 

A man living in the country you live in, so for me that would be the UK, decides that he's going to commit a crime. This man is not from the UK but he resides in it, so he commits this awful crime and goes into hiding. You offer to hunt this man and hand him over to those whom he has committed this crime against, yet they decline. (On a side note, it is a well known fact that the Taliban did offer to hand Bin Laden to the US yet this offer was declined, even though it could have saved millions of lives - blood hungry much?) This nation has decided they will invade your country over a man that you have just offered to hand over!! So, now your a farmer listening to all this over the radio, you hear that the invading nation has now begun ground operations your instinct is to protect all that you have. YOU have not committed a crime yet YOU are the one being punished for it! How is this justice!? 
I have been born and raised in the UK, within my own country I am still an outsider, yet if any country was to unjustly invade mine I would defend it - because this is all I have. Everything and everyone I love is here, so forgetting about whether the country / leader has done right by me, I will defend it! Yet I am now being labelled the terrorist - this is justice? 

Going back to the definition of terrorism, were the rioters not using violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims? Why have they not been charged and sentenced under the Terrorism Act? The governments of the western world wish to define terrorism for us, let us not be blinded by their propaganda. George Bush is as much of a terrorist as Bin Laden (if in fact he did commit the awful crime which has yet to be proven beyond all doubt), Obama is as much of a terrorist as George Bush and the cycle will go on. 

Our governments applaud the Arab people for standing up against their oppressive and tyrannical leaders, all the while they are blinded by their arrogance. Obama has and will forever be held as a liar because he has YET to fulfil his promise to close down the illegal prison in Cuba that violates all the laws he wishes to impose in the Middle East - hypocritical much!! 

Terrorism is committed by our nations yet we ignore it and put it under the banner of "War against terrorism", does that now mean there are two definitions of terrorism - one for arabs and the other for the rest of the world. 

It's time we start start thinking for ourselves rather than blindly following the crowd. Our countries and principles are in ruins, surely we are in need of change. This change will only come about when we begin to realise that we can think for ourselves and we can make ourselves heard. Enough of sitting quietly and listening to ignorant people spewing hate. Let your view be heard, because it's only once people see you have the courage to voice your opinion that they too will have the courage to think outside the box - start setting the example!

Sunday, 31 July 2011


Ramadan has begun.

This month is all by restraining yourself and your desires, its a test of patience. Most people focus on the food aspect of it, whereas we should focus on all aspects. Refraining from food is just a tiny portion of what ramadan is all about, its also about refraining from bad speech, bad actions and bad manners. Although they are actions we should try and holdback from most of the time, with a rumbling stomach you find yourself more able to focus on these things.

This month makes me realise how fortunate I am. I'm not going to lie and say i never get hungry because I'm so spiritual blah blah...I'm human and I do feel hunger!! I know that when the sunsets I can break my fast and eat all that I want, whereas those around the world suffering from famines don't have that luxury. I can distract myself from the sound of my rumbling stomach with a book, listening to recitation of the quran, surfing the net...they don't have that luxury.

What bugs me the most when I tell people I'm fasting is when they reply with "ooohh that going to be tough, I just won't eat in front of you". That's the attitude that's left the poor and hungry, poorer and hungrier than ever before! You don't hide away from the issue, you face it. Yes, I'm choosing to fast so by all means eat in front of me, I couldn't care less. But when people are starving and dying because they have no choice DON'T hide away and eat in secret, eat openly but at the same time feed others.

I'm going to end this with what captivates me about this blessed month. All around the world there will be Muslims refraining from food, whether rich or poor, tall or short, black or white, we will all feel the hunger. We will, for a short period of time, feel what others feel when they cannot eat during the day. We will go through our daily chores, just as those in countries plagued with famine, on empty stomachs and sheer motivation. We know when it will end - they don't.

This month is not just about witholding it's also about giving. This month is the BEST month to give, so give generously to those less fortunate. Give with open hearts and pure intentions, because money given in charity is never a loss!

Sunday, 24 July 2011


What happened in Olso is a tragedy. Plain and simple.

But the initial reactions to what happened wasn't as plain nor as simple. Every major news outlet was trying to point the finger at Muslim extremists, and to be fair I think MOST people assumed it was.
I was at work when I found out, one of the guys I worked with commented that 'it's a strange country to attack because they're not that involved in the wars'. That told me instantly he meant Muslim extremists. But another colleague said that it may be neo-nazi groups becuase they are gaining momentum in many parts of Europe - if i'm honest that didn't even cross my mind!

Is the assumption justified? I don't know. I would say yes because that is what we are told on a daily basis and now come to expect it. My sister does not agree. She believes that we should not become desensitised and just accept that we will be blamed most, if not all, the time. I know she's right but how do we combat it? I don't know the answer to that. If I'm honest, I think its an impossible task. We cannot compete with the media, they portray Muslims in  a way that benefits them by selling stories & getting awards for great coverage!

As for the guy that committed these awful crimes...not once have I  heard him being referenced to as a terrorist, I guess that label depends on the length of a guys beard. Am I pissed off? Hell yes!! The fact he did this because he doesn't like the increasing multiculturalism is just ridiculous. That's the issue with far - right groups they work without logic and sense. The world is expanding, businesses and economies depend upon interdependent relationships that span across the globe. The harsh reality for these right wing groups is that people of different backgrounds/cultures/beliefs residing in their countries are going to increasing...without these people, without these workers, our economies, our understanding of different cultures would be lost.

When you view the world from a singular point of view, you miss out on so many colours, so many beautiful people and an amazing education! By working together we learn how to deal with problems in a mutual way rather than forcing ourselves upon each other and clashing. By working together we lessen the chance of people with extreme views influencing others, because the others have witnessed first hand the mutual respect between us all. By working together we eradicate our differences and begin to realise we are all one and the same - we are all human...

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Its the Month I was born in!

July 30th I turn 22.

Omar Khadr is 24 yrs old going on to 25 in September.

Age 15 I was living a comfortable life, living with both my parents and siblings, going to school and getting an education.

Omar Khadr at age 15 was shot by American forces and dragged to Bagram prison. Only to then move to the notorious prison - Guantanamo Bay. He was being tortured and abused, while I sat in my Geography class learning about the different types of clouds.

November 7, 2005 Omar Khadr was formally charged. In 2005 I was probably revising for my GCSEs - my greatest concern was my education. His greatest concern was his freedom. Or had he lost hope by then?

Omar Khadrs' case has affected me like no other, maybe its because we are so close in age yet our lives have gone in total opposite directions. No child should have to go through what he has been through. His conviction tells us that many more will...

As of January 2009, 64% of Canadians supported repatriating Khadr to Canada, up from 41% in June 2007  - If anyone has the latest figures feel free to comment or tweet me to let me know.

Just spend a moment imagining your life having gone in an extremely different way...learn to be grateful for what you have. Yes, life was tough for you - but someone else always has it tougher. You cannot compare your domestic issues to the issue of human rights. This boy, at the the tender age of 15, was no longer considered matter who he told, no matter what scars he had to show, no one was going to listen to him and no one was going to take him home to his mother.

This year, on the day you celebrate your birth, think of those who have lost touch with the years/months/days because there life is withering away in a prison that should never have been built and in a legal limbo that should never EVER have been able to go on for so long!

Sunday, 5 June 2011

The Value of Parents

“Parents who are afraid to put their foot down usually have children who step on their toes” ~ Chinese Proverb                  

I'm not venting today! Whooop! Instead, I want to take a moment to reflect on the value and importance of our parents/carers. 
If your reading this, then at some point in your life you would have been dependant on an individual to nurture you and care for you during your early years. Whether that person was  a parent/carer is irrelevant, it is the fact that they did so that is important. 

I have worked in a nursery and had to look after children from as young as 3 months old. If I'm honest I thoroughly enjoyed it, but knowing I would give them back at the end of the day helped me through a lot of rough days. Our parents have no option but to care for us, they woke up in the night to feed us, to calm us and to change us. They may not have wanted to some days, but they still did. We would cry endlessly through the teething stage yet they remained calm and diligent, tending to our every need. When we grew up they spent their earning on a treats for us, uniforms, books, stationary, and so much more - yet they never asked for anything in return. They did all the above because they loved us, they felt a responsibility towards us and they fulfilled it in the best of manners. 

Now for the teenage years, the time when we thought we could do it all by ourselves but our parents knew we couldn't. We were probably the most ungrateful at this stage, our parents continued to fund our needs, but we continuously told them they were doing it wrong! We thought they were always against us, telling us more often than not what we couldn't do that rather than what we could. But yet again, they bore it with patience and saw us through it. 

Guys n gals, the whole point of this is to remind us why, when we get older, we need to bare the responsibility of our parents. Whether you get on with them or not is another issue, but they saw you through the most vulnerable times in your life and so now you need to show them some gratitude. Send them some money every month if you don't want to see them, so they know your thinking about them and want them to be comfortable. But I strongly suggest we all make an effort to see our parents, honestly as much as they moan and groan they are always pleased to have the company. Make an effort to go around once a week to help clean the house or any DIY jobs that may need doing. It seems like a lot to ask for, especially in this day and age when we have so much going on work-wise and personally. I assure you, on the day your parents depart from this life, if you have made an effort with them you can live the rest of your life without any regrets. When you know you did all you possibly could to make sure your parents were comfortable, happy and safe during their end years it means living the rest of your life content and guilt-free.

Finally, when you respect your parents your children learn to respect you. When your children see you care for your parents they want to do the same for you. However, if all they ever see or hear is you disrespecting your parents then they can justify doing the same back. Your actions speak louder than your the example you want your children to be.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Children of Tomorrow

Children of today are fearless so I can only imagine the state of the children of tomorrow- and it isn't a compliment. Be warned this is a rant!

I was raised "old school" - you got whacked round the head if you were naughty, you never ever in a million years raised your voice to your elders and you sure as hell never answered back (unless you no longer wished to live!) I may not have liked it then, but I appreciate the principles and code of conduct it taught me.

Teenagers/Children today are beyond stupid...i'm speaking from having some interaction with this specimen type. Common sense, is as common as pigs flying to these lot. Respect, I don't think it's part of their vocabulary. Self-respect, almost a myth. I could go on but i'm being to feel a bit sick!

We have teens yelling at their parents saying they'll do whatever they want cos they can! Telling anyone and everyone they want to have a relationship/get married - without even realising what that entails! I fear for them! I seriously feel like a lot of the youth today is delusional, they live in a bubble which their parents have carefully constructed only for it to turn on them and realise their kids haven't got a clue what the world they live in is like.

Another thing that vexes me! PARENTS! Parents are going bonkers!
I've worked at a nursery and an after school club. I have watched parents ASK their child to leave because they have to get somewhere else urgently. Why is this parents ASKING their child!!?? I have seen a parent plead with their child to leave and the child KICKS this parent and all she said was "no <childs name>" not even in an angry tone! I'm all for parents dictating to their child to a certain degree. The parent is suppose to nurture the child not only physically but mentally. Instil discipline, rewards and punishments. Allow the child freedom to choose, when they're old enough let them pick breakfast, but make sure they take the dishes to the sink or if your child is really young (2yrs+) then have a box in which they place the dish after its been used. However, if he/she picks the cereal then they must finish it ifs/buts. No more wasting food!! Again, maybe its the old school in me, but if a child don't like the meal DO NOT throw it away! The child either eats it or goes without and has to wait for till snack time. Save the meal for later - either you eat it or try it again later with your child.

This blasé attitude of parents, using the excuse that their child is young is bloody careless of them! If you do not teach your child to respect you, the authority figure, then he/she is never going to respect anyone. If you do not teach your child to clean up after his/herself then he/she will never appreciate the effort that goes into everything they take for granted.Seriously, a child is not just a piece of you but that child is a part of society. You need to nurture him/her to be the best example for society...teach them to respect others, respect themselves, to give in charity, to set the best examples and most importantly to aim high and work hard to achieve goals.

End of rant. Have a great evening fellow earthlings...(I'm going to continue ranting but in my head :) )

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Guantanamo Bay Rant #3

Suprise Suprise! Another rant...

I suppose you all knew this was coming especially since the most recent death in the Hell Hole known as Guantanamo Bay.

Im going to make this short and simple! Why are Obama, Clinton and Cameron so concerned with the issues going on in Libya and the Middle East?? They harp on about the lack of freedom, injustice and tyrannical rule the people are under, but i bet my entire lifes earnings on the people being detained in GITMO saying the exact same thing about our so called Democratic Leaders.

I don't know about where you live, but here in the UK it didn't even make breaking news. These men are all of one religion, that is the only common factor between them. This happened once before, yes thats right im talking about the holocaust. You can't blame people for making these comparisons because at the end of the day it is the only common factor between all these wars and the stupid new laws that limits a persons freedom based on their religion. If i get caught with too many bleach bottles i can get done for terrorism but if Nelly (my imaginary neighbour) does then its simply because the supermarket had a good deal on! You can see the issue here.

Men like Lt Col Barry Wingard are ostracised by their fellow patriots because they're fighting for the rights of men (most probably innocent of any crime!) in legal limbos. Rather than branding him and many other freedom fighters (hah! thats right Mujahids in arabic!) traitors, they deserve to be honoured and respected for trying to re-establish the principles the US was founded on - Justice and Equality.

Allow me assure you, for as long as Guantanamo Bay prison remains open and active, the United States of America and Britain look like right ass's when talking about justice and freedom.

Monday, 9 May 2011

I am whoever you say I am!

I am a muslim.
I am whoever I want to be and don't expect you to be anything like me.

Here's the misconception...I choose to pray 5 times a day, I choose to believe in the One God - Allah. Why? Because I believe in free will. I can make whatever decisions I like, whenever I like! I DO NOT expect the same from you! I'm sick of people thinking I want them to be like me or I see you as less significant because you don't believe what I believe or do as I do!

I am going to be held accountable for MY actions not yours! I neither see you as inferior to me or less of a human. In the (metaphorical) eyes of God your manners may win you more rewards, your acts of generosity may outshine mine, your ability to remain patient may out do mine. Only God has the right to judge you.

I have met many different people, in fact, within my own family I have a variety of characters! I know, no matter what anyone else thinks, nothing is as black and white as it may seem. Just as I have no right to judge you from an external point of view, you also do not have that right.

I dress a certain way because I choose to, there was a time in my life when I chose not to. I am more than my outwardly appearance, talk to me and you will find a girl who within 21 years has seen and lived more than a person in their 50's. I have knowledge not just on my faith, Islam, but on Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Zoroastrian and many more. I have witnessed police brutality, domestic violence, racism and so much ugliness it's not worth mentioning - but it's something to learn from!

Next time you see a women dressed in an abayah and hijab, just remember, she too is human. She too has weaknesses and strengths just as you do. But also remember, you do not know her principles and way of life just by LOOKING at her, that you learn by getting to KNOW her.

Monday, 2 May 2011

Osama BIn Laden

Do I believe Bin Laden is dead? Yes
Do I believe the US killed him? No
Do I believe that he died on May 2nd 2011? No
I believe that there's more of a chance he tripped over his thobe and fell down the stairs, then the US forces killing him :) But that's just me!

The American Government wastes no time in parading their "heroic" actions. They paraded Saddam Hussein, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, so why on God's Earth would they not parade Bin  Laden - especially if he was all shot up and what not! At the end of the day he's definitley dead because the US wouldn't make such a statement unless they were sure no more videos will turn up - ooo unless they found all his pre-recorded stuff and seized all his recording equipment! Heck - Bin Laden might still be alive!!!

Now lets discuss the impact of his death. It's pretty simple - there is none. Those who are not brainwashed by their government know that far too much has been lost to celebrate even one more matter what his crime was. We've lost our freedom, countless lives, spent billions on wars that should never have been and most importantly lost trust in our leaders. Ask the hundreds of thousands of people affected in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay who their perpetrators are - they are not going to say Bin Laden's name that's for sure. He didn't rape a 14 year old girl and then burn a her corpse, it was a US soldier. He didn't lock up innocent men in a far away hell hole for an undetermined length of time, it was our prime ministers and presidents. 

Put this all into perspective  - so what if Bin Laden's dead? What has changed? Our countries are still being threatened because our forces are in countries they don't belong in. It's not Bin Laden that has made us vulnerable  - it was our own Prime Minister and the US President, and the fact is, that's how they like it. Fear allows then to cross all limits, those who speak out against the governments crimes have no fear therefore far more logical.

You can say what you want, the fact is we're never going to know the truth. No matter what though, a logical mind will tell you something just doesn't sit right...

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Guantanamo Bay Rant #2

The CIA water boarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed 183 times and Obama gave immunity to those responsible. That apparently is American justice, the kind of justice they want to spread in the Middle East. Apparently torture is acceptable if its a western government (Gadaffi and Mubarak should have taken notes!) 

America has got away with kidnapped 779 men and taking them to Cuba, thats rights ladies and gents, CUBA! Rather than hold them in the country they were found and arrested in, they took them far far away...why? The answer is pretty darn simple, they do not have to abide by the Geneva Convention. They can do what they want with these human beings, regardless of what crimes they MAY have committed surely nothing justifies such a violation of human rights. Most of these victims of the American "justice" system  have been released without charge. 

Here are some stats as of January 17th 2011 :
  • 779 acknowledged prisoners held in Guantánamo Bay to date (there are indications that various prisoners were held in Guantánamo Bay in secret from 2003 until June 2004 when the US Supreme Court ordered that the prisoners be allowed access to courts, but these prisoners have never been identified.
  • 535 men reviewed by Combatant Status Review Tribunals.
  • 497 men designated Enemy Combatants by CSRTs.
  • 38 men designated No Longer Enemy Combatants by CSRTs.
  • 173 men left in Guantánamo.
  • 89 of these men cleared for release by the US authorities.
  • 14 British nationals and residents released to date.
  • 38 habeas petitions granted (one subsequently reversed by DC Circuit Court).
  • 20 habeas petitions denied (one susbsequently vacated by DC Circuit Court).
  • 6 prisoners who have died at Guantánamo, one from cancer, five suspiciously.
  • 16 Guantánamo prisoners who are known to have been held at CIA-run facilities. 
Omar Khadr
 There are known cases of sexual, physical and psychological abuse. Omar Khadr was only 15 years old when he was captured, but 8 years later he still resides there. In the early spring of 2003, Khadr was told "Your life is in my hands" by a military interrogator, who spat on him, tore out some of his hair and threatened to send him to a country that would torture him more thoroughly, making specific reference to an Egyptian Askri raqm tisa ("Soldier Number Nine") who enjoyed raping prisoners.
Everything about his story suggests he SHOULD have been tried as a minor, however the US had no mercy. What does this sentence mean for other child soldiers? Why is the United Nations so quiet about such a ridiculous sentence? Why is the world silent on the blatant torture this child has been through??????

I leave you with this question - The crimes that Gadaffi/Mubarak committed, are they really that different to the crimes that the US has committed? Ask the mother in Iraq who lost her entire family because soldiers were bored, ask the man who was arrested by US forces and sexually humiliated, ask the Palestinian father who witnessed his son being blown to bits by weaponry supplied by the US...

Saturday, 9 April 2011

The trials of wealth...

The title says it all.

Is money the root of all evil? No. But boy does it tempt people into it! The Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him) said that he feared the trial of wealth for his people and I understand why.

I was raised in a pretty poor household. Poverty teaches you humility, creativeness and appreciating the small things in life. If it was my birthday and my mum brought us cake it was a pretty awesome moment! I'm not saying wealth does not teach these things but it depends on how your raised in it.

Having wealth is a vicious cycle, you learn to live with objects you dont really need but become use to therefore you want more. However, if you've never had them, you'd like them but can also live without and thats where the difference lies. All we as humans need is warmth, shelter and food to survive but the people have become so materialistic that they no longer see it like that. People want houses with too many rooms, or cars that do speeds they can't legally do on the average street. I'm not saying they shouldn't want these things, by all means get them, but don't lose sight of the bigger picture. I read of a man who had a billion dollar business due to the recession he lost half of it and was left with half a billion dollars, he killed himself because of the losses he occurred. He was so blinded by his huge losses he couldn't see that he still had half a billion dollars!!

Money brings out the competitiveness and it gets ugly. Why do you think our leaders can be so ruthless? The war in Iraq was a money making opportunity, therefore it was quick and merciless. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer. Look at Blair, making millions working in the middle east after f***ing it all up! Leaders cling onto power because of the abundance of wealth at their finger tips! Let me tell you about an amazing man - Umar ibn al Khattab. Umar was the leader of the most powerful nation of that era. His army was spreading far and wide. His army had captured many spoils of war therefore the nation was experiencing wealth like never before!

Once Umar (RA) was going on his usual round towards Harrah (a suburb of Madinah) with his slave Aslam, when he saw a distant fire in the desert. He said:

"There seems to be a camp. Perhaps, it is a caravan that could not enter the town due to night fall. Let's go and look after them and arrange for their protection during the night."

When he reached there, he found a woman and some children. The children were crying. The woman had a pan of water over the fire. Hadhrat 'Umar (RA) greeted her with salaam and, with her permission, went near her.

Umar: "Why are these children crying?" The Woman: "Because they are hungry." Umar: "What is in the pan?"

The Woman: "Only water to soothe the children, so that they may go to sleep in the belief that food is being prepared for them. Ah! Allah will judge between Umar (RA) and me, on the Day of Judgement, for neglecting me in my distress."

'Umar (weeping): "May Allah have mercy on you! How can Umar know of your distress?"

The Woman: "When he is our Amir, he must keep himself informed about us."

Hadhrat 'Umar (RA) returned to the town and straight away went to treasury to fill a sack with flour, dates, fat and clothes, and also drew some money. When the sack was ready, he said to Aslam:

"Now put this sack on my back, Aslam."

Aslam: "No please, Amir-ul-Mo'mineen (leader of the people)! I shall carry this sack."

'Umar refused to listen to Aslam, even on his persistent requests to allow him to carry the sack, and remarked:

"What! Will you carry my load on the Day of Judgement? I must carry this bag, for it is I who would be questioned (in the Hereafter) about this woman."

Aslam most reluctantly placed the bag on Umar's (RA) back, who carried it with a swift pace right to the woman's tent. Aslam followed at his heels. He put a little flour and some dates and fat in the pan and began to stir. He blew (with his mouth) into the fire to kindle it. Aslam says:

"I saw the smoke passing through his thick beard."

After some time, the pottage was ready. He himself served it to the family. When they had eaten to their fill, he made over to them the little that was left for their next meal. The children were very happy after their meal and began to play about merrily. The woman felt very grateful and remarked:

"May Allah reward you for your kindness ! In fact you deserve to take the place of Khalifah instead of 'Umar."

'Umar consoled her and said: "When you come to see the Khalifah, you will find me there."

He sat for a while at a place close by and kept on watching the children. He then returned to Madinah. On his way back, he said to Aslam:

"Do you know why I sat there, Aslam? I had seen them weeping in distress; I liked to see them laughing and happy for some time."
Whether your muslim or not - Umar is recorded in the history books as a great leader and his achievements speak for themselves. I look forward to the day we have more leaders like him, who when their people don't have food to eat they also refrain from food. Did you know, that he would not eat fat because it was not a dish all the people had access to. His people pleaded with him to eat it a his health was declining but he refused saying that who was he to have the porviledge of enjoying such a dish when his people couldn't.

On that note I end with "He who went to the kings to seek favors went away from God." Wealth weakens the heart when used for the wrong wise with it. Give in charity and give openly!

"In the eyes of God he is the best ruler who has secured prosperity and comfort for the people." - Umar Ibn al Khattab.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Changing your outlook...

I've had enough of the negativity surrounding me. I've had enough of the hate. I've had enough of the constant bickering!! I"VE HAD ENOUGH!!! If you think you've got it tough, then always remember there is always someone out there with it MUCH worse (A reminder for myself first and foremost and then you guys) 

To say March was one of the toughest months of my life is no exaggeration. My young able bodied cousin had a stroke, aged 28. To say it was tough to hear is an understatement, this young man was burnt at the age of 4 and spent most of his life in hospitals having skin grafts, and corrective surgery. He finally decided enough was enough and never went back for more. To say he's had it tough is putting it lightly. At age 14 he lost his father to cancer - becoming the man of the house. He has 2 younger sisters who see him as their father figure, he is literally their world!

Why am I telling you this?
Its easy to start questioning God, why me? Why him? Haven't this family been through enough?
I'm going to be honest, I was surprised I didn't hear that once from my fragile aunt. Seriously, to mention the stuff she's been through would be way too long and too tough. Here's the thing, positivity can help you through any situation in life. There is nothing that can extinguish the positive attitude you have no matter what your facing.

We were told that he had 24 hours that were critically, we'd pretty much lost hope. Yes, we cried. But then we started praying - Remove the harm, O Lord of Mankind & heal Khalid, for You are the Healer & there is no healing execept Your healing, & a healing which does not leave any disease behind. Once the 24 hrs had passed we were overjoyed that he was still among us! We are well aware that he may never speak again and may never be able to move his right side, but guess what, who cares!! We're a tough bunch no matter what happens we'll deal with it. 

Simple things like him putting the volume up on the TV give us soooooo much joy its actually bonkers! When we found out he tried updating facebook (using my young bros phone) we were ecstatic!! That's how we should live our lives...the simple pleasures are never overlooked. When you whack your leg on the table, or your arm into the door be grateful you can sense pain. Im not kidding when I say that. My cousin tried speaking the other day, I've never known what it feels like to have a broken heart, but hearing the sounds from his mouth as he attempted to speak caused me such physical pain I cannot even describe it! But once again, yea he could speak perfectly 2 weeks ago, but this is just a test of our patience and God Willing we will get through it. As long as he keeps up the positivity, that he will improve, then anything is possible! 

The point of this blog? Well, I guess I'm just trying to remind you that even though you may be healthy and able bodied as of this moment in time, your health can be taken away at any moment. Death does not ask permission before it enters your life, so make sujood to the One who created you. Give thanks and treat those close to you in way that if anything was to happen to them you would have no regrets. As a muslim I've had to deal with plenty of hatred towards me, but I really don't care. I have such a precious gem locked up within me, that InshaAllah, nothing and no-one can take away - my Islam!

Friday, 18 March 2011

Guantanamo Bay Rant #1

I just don't get how the US has got away with this atrocity!!

Haji Nasrat, 77 - Relaeased in 2006 after 3 1/2 years in Gitmo

Haji Nasrat was one of the eldest prisoners held. Partially paralyzed for more than 15 years and illiterate, Nasrat says he does not know why the Americans detained him. In his statement to American authorities Nasrat said, "When (the Americans) came to Afghanistan everybody was waiting for America to help us build our country. We were looking for you guys and we were very happy that you would come to our country. The people who hated you were very few, but you just grabbed guys like me. Look at me. Our very happiness, you changed it to (bitterness)." Bravo!! Well done America you REALLY won hearts and minds! This kind of shit really pisses me off!! HOW DARE THEY DETAINEE THIS OBVIOUSLY INNOCENT MAN! GET REAL! PARALYSED FOR 15 YEARS - YEA IM SURE HE CAN RUN AROUND SHOOTING PEOPLE!

There are men with families, INNOCENT MEN, rotting away in a place I can only imagine to be like hell on Earth! There's generous souls like Fayiz Al-Kanderi rotting away in there when there's absolutely no need, Kuwait wants him back, he CAN go home but why won't the US let him go? It 'll save them costs but no! They just want to squander the taxpayers money and go against all the principles they try so hard to force on the people of the Middle East - hypocrisy seeps through the Government, hardly suprising!

Then there are men like Ali Abdullah Ahmed, Mani al-Utaybi, Yasser al-Zahrani, Abdul Rahman Ma'ath Thafir al Amri and Mohammad Ahmed Abdullah Saleh Al Hanashi who died in the most cruel place on Earth. I can only imagine the desperation, the humiliation, the self helplessness these men felt that they felt they had to take their own lives to be at peace. May God have mercy on them.

Do I actually believe they killed themselves - maybe? I can't judge them and their situation, I'd rather believe that then the other possibility which doesn't bear thinking about.
"The government’s investigation is slipshod, and its conclusion leaves the most important questions about this tragedy unanswered. Taking the military investigation’s findings as truthful and complete, in order to have committed suicide by hanging, the detainees had to:
  • Braid a noose by tearing up their sheets and/or clothing
  • Make mannequins of themselves so it would appear to the guards they were asleep in their cells
  • Hang sheets to block the view into the cells, in violation of SOPs
  • Stuff rags down their own throats
  • Tie their own feet together
  • Tie their own hands together
  • Hang the noose from the metal mesh of the cell wall and/or ceiling
  • Climb up on to the sink, put the noose around their necks and release their weight, resulting in death by strangulation
  • Hang dead for at least two hours completely unnoticed by guards"
With the above info you can come to a pretty fair conclusion that the guards must have been pretty dappy to have not noticed any of the above!

There's awesome men and women out there defending and fighting for these illegal detainees to have the rights and the freedom that we are currently blessed with . Here's a list of a VERY few:
  • Lt. Col. Barry Wingard <--- Fayiz Al-Kanderi
  • Dennis Edney <---- Abdullah and Omar Khadr
  • Gareth Peirce <---- Tipton Three, Moazzam Begg & Richard Belmar
  • Joshua Colangelo-Bryan <--- Juma Al Dossary & Abdulla Majid Al Naimi
I pray that On the Day we are Judged by the Almighty He humiliates our failed leaders, the oppressors, the tyrants, the false Kings - the ones who betrayed their oaths to serve their people and to be fair and just! I pray the victims of this obvious injustice remain patience and steadfast - May Allah keep their hearts and minds strong!

Sunday, 13 March 2011


May God grant the people of Japan patience in times of such hardship. May He grant them patience and courage to get through and may He instil in the people of the world generosity and love to give to this cause.

What we've seen in Japan is absolutely devastating to say the least. But I'm going to try and put a positively spin on it because we're all aware of the heartache and horror the people of Japan are going to be feeling. Dwelling in the sadness leads to darkness, thinking of the good brings back light into even the darkest of situations.

The whole world has united for the people of the world, we've had so many natural disasters but still the generosity of the people never wanders. It's at times like this we ignore the differences and unite for one cause - the safety and protection of fellow earthlings. The Japanese have taught us a lot. Their investment in preparing for such a natural disaster shows their commitment to their people & most definitley made this far less tragic than it could have been! As much as other nations are trying to sensationalise the issues with the nuclear power plants, the Japanese government has remained calm and in control. There is no doubt that their calm demeanour is going to have a positive affect on the people, no-one wants to see their leaders/protectors frantically trying to put a positive spin on everything.

Natural disasters are one of the most scariest things to have to face. Nature has no limits. When it strikes, it strikes hard - New Orleans, Christchurch, Swat etc are all victims of nature. But its the people that can limit the impact. Donations are a great way of helping, but not just in the first week of the event - donations are needed for months, sometimes even years, to help rebuild lives.

I'm going to go slightly of topic now. What we need to learn from this is that life is incredibly short and we don't control certain aspects of it i.e. death. As much as you may eat healthily, exercise, take your daily vitamins, death can come for you when you least expect it. So prepare yourselves! Make your peace with God, let go of the grudges you hold, ask forgiveness from those you've wronged. I'd rather die knowing I have sought forgiveness - whether it's accepted is another issue - but I tried and that's what counts. If your wasting your days away on computer games or the internet then stop! Go do something that benefits someone else - even if its just writing a thank you letter to your postman!! (Yes, I have done that!) One act of kindness can be imprinted onto a person for a lifetime - although most will say so can a bad one, forgiveness helps glaze over it.

If your reading this and know what I'm saying makes sense then do something about it. Your pride/ego is probably telling you to not take the first step in calling your estranged parent/sibling, but wouldn't you rather give it a go and have a chance at a relationship (if not that, then at least forgiveness) with someone you loved or would you rather carry the bitterness for the rest of your life. Life's too short to let the ugliness of hate have a part in it.

Monday, 7 March 2011

Pakistan & Cricket

This sounds crazy to some, not to all, but winning the Cricket World Cup would help the nation.

Pakistan and cricket have always had  a love/hate relationship. We win some, we lose some (most!) but we love it no matter what. It gives the people a chance to escape their normal lives, full of sorrow and pain, and focus on something that the whole nation is anticipating. Sounds corny and totally unreal - let me explain further.

Shahid Afridi being embraced by team mates
Pakistan Cricket has some AMAZING characters - you have Afridi (The Stud), Shoaib Akhtar (The Bad Boy) and you have loads of others I cant be bothered to go on about. The average Pakistanis life is one of struggles and hardships. Food prices are soaring and the peoples worries are increasing. Their leader is a man that has no clue what he's doing. When they watch cricket, it's a chance to escape and take pride in their ailing nation. Most other cricketing nations will admit that the Pakistan Cricket Team is one that is unpredictable in the best of ways! We come back in games everyone's written us off in, and we lose games we're predicted to win. We have style, charisma and most importantly FUN on and off the pitch.We, the pakistani people, take great pride in knowing all other cricket teams respect us for the way we play our game. Finally, we have something that we can call our own. Our government does not own it, it can not interfere in it - IT IS OURS!

If we won the world cup the ENTIRE country would be united in celebrating a great achievement for the nation. The one thing they take absolute pride in, their team, would have finally put their country in the headlines with a positive story behind it, rather than all the tragedy that so often follows it.

I'm going to be honest, I was born and raised in good ol' blighty! I had no attachment to my parents country until I watched a cricket game in Year 10. The Pakistani team had character something I thought no one raised in Pakistan could have. We were on an international platform and actually respected for our game! Who'd of THUNK it! For me, it was something I could enjoy and connect with my country of origin without having to over think it or over do it.

Cricket is a gentlemen's game, there is no hooliganism unlike football. Whether your Pakistani, Indian, West Indian, Australian, South African, Kenyan etc when you play cricket your treated with equality. The best moment that sums this feeling up is when Monty Panesar (England Spinner) made his debut on the field, there were up to 7/8 English men with false beards and turbans on to show their support for him. It may seem like I'm stereotyping, but from my experiences normally that wouldn't happen.

England's James Anderson (L) and Monty Panesar (R)

I love cricket because it's truly a great sport uniting all the nations and giving those that are considered deprived or developing a chance to take pride in something home grown :) And lets be frank, Pakistan is the best team out there!! :P Teehee!!

Monday, 28 February 2011


Have you ever had anything taken from you? I haven't but my sister did. In secondary school someone stole her phone. I was so angry that someone went through her belongings and took her property I hit a wall (yes I'm aware I'm not the smartest kid!) and my knuckles were sensitive for a good few years.

The point of this story? I'm coming to it, just bare with me.

Have you ever been mugged? Or has anything been taken without your permission but you know it'll get returned but the principle of taking without asking pissed you off to a point you lost your temper?

Now imagine this...You kiss your wife goodbye and head off to work. Your wage is hardly worth the work, but anything is better than nothing. After a tough day at work (like always) you make your way home. You know your on the right street but you can't find your home, you keep going round in circles now panicking! Where is your wife? Where is your home? You happen to see your neighbour in a surrounding area and ask "what has happened??" and he replies "they took your home and they took your wife!" How do you feel? What are you going to do?? This is the threat that looms over EVERY Palestinian, those that aren't feeling this threat are those that this has already happened to!

Well they deserve it, they're terrorist? No they're not! Imagine having your home taken, having your wife taken, who would you normally go to? The police? Palestine is an  OCCUPIED land, the courts are of those who are OCCUPYING them. So of course they're going to turn to those who offer them the justice their hearts are yurning for. Imagine finding out a soldier killed/violated your wife, your daughter or your mother! Your going to want to get justice, no matter what the cost. Therefore they turn to the "extremists".

We can't imagine the suffering they go through daily, because most of us live in a free land, where no matter what your religion, ethnicity and gender we can argue our cases and get the justice we want. They cannot! I was angry beyond belief that someone took my sisters PHONE, these peoples HOMES, JOBS, MEN AND WOMEN are being taken without any justification and without any warning!

The same has happened with over 700 men that the US army kidnapped and took to an Island they'd never heard of! Guantanamo Bay Prison is just as great a violation of human rights as is the continuous occupation of Palestinian land by the Israeli state.

The discussion of the illegality Guantanamo Bay Prison is for another blogpost :)

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Gaddafi the goulish general!

Yes, you guessed it i'm gonna jibber jabber about the twat known as General Gaddafi.

He was doing okay, up until now (by okay I mean no-one gave two hoots about him!) Here's where i'm slightly puzzled - the UN.
We've seen the heights he's willing to go to subdue his people, he's got fighter jets (or something of that nature) hovering above them and I personally have seen some nasty images of decapitated / mutilated bodies. To say he's a nasty piece of s*** is definitley putting it lightly!!
Yet, even after all this nastiness the UN simply "condemned the use of violence against civilians and called for those responsible for the attacks to be held to account." WTF!! Seriously, lets pretend Iraq never happened....actually scratch that - the Iraq war happened over night with little (none!) evidence regarding WMDs. Here is a man, Gadaffi, butchering his people in the hundreds yet the US says they'll take "appropriate steps in time"!
Georgies confused & this time he's not the only one!!

Here's what I say - the UN, the US and the UK are a bunch of useless sods! The UN couldn't stop an ILLEGAL war so like hell they can do anything for the people of Libya. The US and UK have been seeking wars since the turn of the century so no-ones going to take them seriously!

The arab worlds the only place on earth that's doing it right! If you want things done you got to take hold of the reigns and do it yourself! Don't ever rely on anyone, because all talk and no action leads you to disappointment and resentment.

May God grant the people of Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Algeria patience, steadfastness and victory! May He humiliate the leaders that oppressed and humiliate the people they were meant to serve.

Monday, 21 February 2011

The power of man...

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
- Abraham Lincoln
Man is bound to disappoint. Power leads to possessiveness, who would want to give it up? And this is what we are seeing all around the world today. 
You know what bothers me? Why didn't we (the western world) speak out when we never agreed with our leaders! 
Many of us didn't agree to go to war and hit the streets to protest against it - but then we gave up.
Many didn't agree for tuition fee hikes and hit the streets to protest against it - but then we gave up.
Many didn't agree on guantanamo bay and hit the streets to protest against it - but then we gave up. 
Did we not have enough passion? Nope, we believed in our cause 110% , but we lacked consistency! 

Mubarak was in power for 30 years but in 18 days he was removed! How? CONSISTENCY!

When you wake up in the morning and feel like having more control at work, think again. I'm sure you've seen it and I definitley have, even at work when you see a person handed more responsibilities they change. The only way they don't is if they fear the people they work FOR. I haven't seen that kind of fear in our leaders since I was born - until now! 
The Arab world has made the entire world look and listen! You may oppress us for so long, but we're simply sleeping lions...when we put our minds and hearts into it we can remove you in the wink of an eye (figuratively speaking obviously - however should you wish to try the method mentioned pls do inform me of the results) I think its time the democratic world also felt the fear, Cameron has come into government (although technically no-one voted for this government!) trying to convince parliament to allow voting reforms. Here's what I say, I hope that he gets what he wants and then I hope and pray the people come out in their millions and show HIM, he doesn't decide who stays in power! I want to see the arrogance of the western leaders squashed!! They are at just as much of a risk - I feel a revolution is bound to hit our lands and when it does...O boy!

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Soldiers who speak out...

I've always admired the military...but not the 21st century type.

I was always taught to respect the people who enforce law, who protect us and risk their own lives in the process. However, all the accounts from prisoners in Abu Ghraib, Kandahar, Guantanamo Bay, H M Prison etc have shown that most are no longer respecting the oath they make.

We, the western world, pride ourselves on how we endorse equality and justice. We gloat about our democratic societies while pitying those in the middle east with far less democracy. 'Innocent until proven guilty' has been ignored since the beginning of the War on Terror. Guantanamo Bay is the perfect example. Your probably sitting infront of your screen thinking 'What the heck do you know?' Well heres my source : Iraq Veterans Against the war (IVAW).

Heres some names I suggest you youtube (that's right youtube you can google if you'd like, but i'm a tad bias toward youtube) :
  • Mike Spryner 
  • Jason Hurd
  • John Turner
  • Adam Kokesh
  • Nick Morgan
  • Brandon Neely (A brilliant man! You can add him on twitter @BrandonTXNeely)
  • Bobby Whittenburg
  • Joe Glenton
  • Kristofer Goldsmith
They're mostly soldiers who have spoken out against the war and spoken out on how badly prisoners were treated. Kristofer Goldsmith has said himself that racism was something that was instilled within them from the beginning.

I'm not going to take up anymore of your time, because i'd much rather you spent it listening to these soldiers testimonies. With that said,, I shall now depart, however I suggest you watch the following video :)

Monday, 14 February 2011

How 9/11 changed my life....

After 9/11 everything changed, to say so is no exaggeration.
The changes in law (i.e. indefinite detention), the blatant discrimination, the tension and the unrest - all after effects of the heinous crime.

I was 11 years old, and I saw it all live on tv after school. I never in my wildest of dreams thought it would impact ME and MY life. Allow me to give you some background info :

I, like many others, would go to mosque, after school, (4pm-6pm) to learn to read the quran and write Urdu.  My dad was the teacher (Yikes!). I have a lot of fond memories, sadly, I'm not the oppressed lady forced to much as some would like to believe. I was never the really the fully practicing type, I prayed but sporadically and self declared the weekend days off - because we'd always go to my nans.
9/11 brought me back to my faith. I was going through a bad patch and I turned to the Quran and it helped and from then on I fell in love with Islam. After the attacks, my dad was constantly verbally abused outside the mosque he worked, his mosque was even raided at one point. There was heightened sense of paranoia, "who are the newbies coming to mosque?", "Are they undercover officers?" At one point I was afraid to sleep without my hijab, why you ask? Because WHEN (note not if) the police raid our house in the early hours at least I'll have my modesty.
School wasn't too bad oddly enough, it only got tough after the Abu Ghraib abuse scandal. I had 4 boys, who aspired to join the army, constantly bugging me  - it was more boring than bullying!

How 9/11 changed my life?
It made me realise that I was not like everyone else. I will NEVER fit into this society or any other 100%. Its not because I don't want to, its because people won't open their minds and see me for who I am. SO many times I hear people I work with say, 'you've the first muslim scarfed girl I get on with' or 'your not the other girls like you', 'I never  have thought i'd get on with you'. - here's the thing, I probably am like all the other muslim girls but you never gave them a chance!

Here's what I say to you, if your the guy who leant over and whispered in my ear (while shopping in sainsburys) "bloody muslims" or if your the group of boys who yelled "paki" as I walked by - I pity the fools! (O yeaaaa, had to get Mr-T in!) Because all the young boys did was point out the obvious, yes I am, however Pakistani is the proper term and I don't need reminding, thanks for the effort though :) as for the older gentlemen, well....all the other shoppers heard you, and you just advertised yourself for ignorance. Sorry people but you do more damage to yourself than to me!

9/11 brought out the strength within me, I would never be how I am now if I hadn't had to face so much hostility at such a young age. So to all you bigots and racists, thanks!!


Sunday, 13 February 2011

What Babar Ahmed taught me...

Feeling a bit sorry for yourself? Well GET OVER IT!

The following should help you "get over it" :)

For years I've been reading about horrific cases of prisoner abuse, indefinite detention and basic human rights being ignored. Sounds depressing, right? HECK YEAH! (If you do not agree please book an appointment with your local psychologist.)

One important message I've learnt, and read from prisoners, is to never let it (whatever 'it' may be) get you down. Babar Ahmed has written a beautiful piece on maintaining that positivity in a prison environment and more importantly in the face of blatant injustice - Words of Wisdom. (Alot is based on religion, but don't let if put you off!) If these men, facing indefinite detention, and some facing it on a land they probably never heard, can maintain their positivity and not recoil into self-helplessness then so can we!!!

Babar Ahmed, some of his injuries sustained during his arrest.
Ibn Taymiyyah once said : "The one imprisoned is the one who is prisoner to his desires. And the one behind bars is the one whose heart is barred from his Lord." How true is this statement! From personal experience, how often do I forget that I have my most basic of needs met - food, warmth and shelter. Yet, I'm not satisfied! I want things I can't afford, I want a better job not realising I'm blessed to have a job at all! I struggle with an eating disorder, yet I forget that its a test of character and strength and rather than dwell in it and the misery it brings I should strive to beat it!

You want to know what keeps me going? I know that when I remember the One who created me, who blew life into me, I feel at ease. There is no doubt in my mind that He would never ever place upon anyone a burden greater than they can bare - its down to us to change our mentality and realise that!

I shall end this post with a piece taken from Words of Wisdom :

 As one scholar said: “True freedom is to live with your head held up high, your forehead raised, with self dignity, each day better than before, tomorrow better than today, no matter what may come to pass."