Today I want you to smile.
When you feel bogged down cos of your work load or cos you don't have work, smile.
When your outside deep in thought and realise your no longer smiling, stop & smile.
Your smile can change someone else's day. YOU have the power to change YOUR day.
Start out positive and nothing will knock you - not your boss, not your family, not your addictions, NOTHING!
Slowly we are becoming a nation that worries from how we look to how we going to afford next months rent. Anxiety has never been wise counsel, take a breath and reassess.
As long as you have life in you, you can change your fortune around. The only person you can rely on to make a change is yourself - believe it!
Here's a little personal story. My eating disorder came back with full force last week, ironically the week i had taken a few days off work. I spent Tues (one of my days off) lying in bed with a banging headache because I was busy starving myself. When I did eventually venture out on Wed I was exhausted mentally and physically. My attitude became negative as I was once again consumed by my eating disorder, when I got back to work i hated every hour!! I was tired and getting easily frustrated (definitley not normal for me!) and that affected my work with made me even more anxious because I was struggling to get things done.
Today (Monday) I woke up and decided today was going to be different. I had breakfast (tea with a cherry bakewell) and made my way to work - with a smile. I got to work and organised my thoughts and my to-do list. Even when things did i go wrong, i literally took a deep breath and knew that everything was going to be okay...and it was!
I one thing I hate to see is people stressing, I honestly believe that there is nothing on this Earth that deserves that much energy. There are always people wishing to be were you are at in life - never forget that that one mans misery can be another mans dream. (Or something like that!)
Take care fellow homosapians - and dont stress!! If you want to vent then feel free to leave a comment and then let it go!