I'm not going to be sarcastic nor humorous - the situation in Syria is such that it overwhelms me.
Thousands have died and continue to do so. The beast that is Bashar deserves a most wretched death, all that he has done I guarantee you it will all come back to him. I am not here to discuss the dirtbag rather I wish to bring to your attention the victims of this tyrant.
Men, women, children and the elderly - none have been spared the horror! I'm not going to go into the graphic details but to put it simply...women's honour has been violated, men have been massacred and children have been left orphaned...yet the world 'leaders' remain silent.
I think its fair to say the Syrian people should not have any expectations of being rescued by the UN, Arab League or any other pathetic and useless group! To be honest, I'm pretty sure the Syrian are brave enough and smart enough to know only they can help themselves and most obviously - God. But here's the thing, I always like to defeat people expectations! They expect nothing from outsiders, so lets do the opposite - lets show them we care and we're thinking about them. Please donate, whether its a pound or a penny....give what you can.
Click here to donate what you can - please!
Mothers are terrified for their children's safety, by donating you help ease their fear of starvation. Fathers are terrified of whether their families are safe while they defend their lives - you help by funding shelter for families.
Do not belittle any amount given to charity - give what you can and go to bed knowing you have done a great deed!