Sunday, 23 June 2013

Edward Snowden...

I am not discussing the revelation of 'Prism', nor what my opinions are about the entire program. I have nothing to say about the government intruding in our personal and private space because lets be honest, who was actually surprised.
I'd rather discuss the man behind it and the motivation behind this 'leak'. Edward Snowden. This man gave up everything (money, home, partner, family and most significantly FREEDOM) to inform the world of what's going on behind the scenes. Nothing about what he revealed shocked me but the embarrassment it's causing has entertained me.
I have always believed that governments have felt invincible and untouchable, a simple man like Edward Snowden reminds them that they are not always in control. Snowden says he did all this for the sake of his country and I believe him. If ever you're in search of a patriot, look this guy up! Earning of up to $200,000 a year and he gave it all up to stop the US from becoming something that goes against its founding principles (lets not ignore that he's given up his freedom too!) Many say he has put his country at risk and I say codswallop! His revelation is not targeting specific info, his comments are only on how intrusive the governments techniques are; if you're genuinely surprised by this info what rock have you been living under?! All he wants is people to be informed and to change how things are done, you can't blame the guy for trying.
Snowden might be naive in thinking that this can change anything but hes definitely brave! He's gone up against the biggest bullies and is candid about not expecting to come out of this unscathed. It seems his motivation to save his country from becoming something unconstitutional has cost him his freedom and possibly his life...

For now we are told Snowden is on the move, whether this is true or false only time will tell. I can only hope that this brave young man comes out this relatively unharmed.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Guantanamo : Hunger Strike

There are 166 men remaining in Guantanamo, the government has confirmed 41 of those are participating in a hunger strike (as of 25th April 2013 that number is now at 94) . Unofficially, the number is thought to be much higher.

Guantanamo, alone, is worth being called a dark stain on justice...but to know that many men are depriving themselves food just to get attention and are STILL being ignored is most definitely a tragedy.  The main media avoids highlighting the mess that is Guantanamo, but thankfully online social media works hard to highlight these issues.

Most of the 166 men are cleared for release, one of those men is Shaker Aamer. Cleared for release in 2007 and then again in 2009 yet he still languishes there. This man is INNOCENT, the government admits it, if he dies there the government deserves no pardoning for the injustice they have done. They can still right this wrong, they can work to free these men and send them back home (especially since they're innocent) to leave them in Guantanamo IS NOT an option.

These men should not have to feel so hopeless that they decide starving themselves is the only way of exercising control over their situation. Especially not when most of them are innocent and have been cleared for release! Shaker Aamer has an 11 year old son who he has never met due to being held captive by the US and UK government. How would you explain to an 11 year old child, that although his father is a great man, a charitable man and INNOCENT from any wrongdoing he has still been kept locked up in a cage for all these years? How do you think that 11 year old boy feels when he hears that his father has mentioned in his letters that he may never make it out alive? Many families have been torn apart by Guantanamo. It is not only the 166 men that are suffering, their families are going through it too.

I hope and pray that none of these men end up leaving in body bags. This is no longer an issue of justice, since the injustice of all the lost years will never make up for it. But it is about these mens RIGHT - they are innocent, they should go home - end of!

Please take the time to sign the online petition asking (although we shouldn't have to!) the government to release Shaker and return him to his family :
Shaker Aamer
Shaker Aamer, innocent of any wrongdoing, deserves to come home.

Monday, 7 January 2013

New Year - Old Habits

A new year is upon us.

This, for certain people in the world, will mean diddley sqat! Omar Khadr is still incarcerated with no end in sight. Shakeer Ameer still languishes in Guantanamo Bay Prison. Babar Ahmad & Talha Ahsan are familiarizing themselves with the US prison system, a horrible and downright depressing change for them. I'm glad Gary McKinnon was not extradited - He suffers from Aspergers the same condition that Talha Ahsan suffers from - and so was let off....Why Talha Ahsan wasn't I'll never understand. I'm sick of the injustices & reaching the point were questioning the blatant double standards is futile.

I just hope this year brings about change.
I hope justice prevails this year.
I hope families are finally reunited this year.
I hope for a better future for all of us.

And in all honestly, I hope that the lack of faith I have in our governments and justice system is proved wrong....but I wont hold my breath.

Too many years has injustice been constant - you only have to look at Guantanamo's upcoming anniversary to witness that!

New year but the same old injustices - this year began with the all too familiar story of a man going missing in another country and ending up in a US court - Mahdi Hashi 23 years old. I have no doubt that there will be many more to come.