Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Alan Henning

Alan Henning - a kind hearted, charitable and gentle man.

I start this blog with the man who deserved to be highlighted & out of this entire saga it is HIS story that should be the focus - NOT the thugs who murdered him. However, it is impossible to not address these animals at the same time.

Alan Henning
Alan Henning, a name we should not forget.

Alan traveled to Syria to help those affected by the war and instead became a victim of a country already rife with brutality. Looking at this from as islamic perspective, there is no validation for the brutal act against him. He was never a threat to the rebels & it was clear his intention was to provide aid - both of these statements are easy enough to validate. This gentle man was taken away from his family in a most horrific manner, but what I hope is that his charitable nature and good will is never forgotten in this turmoil.

As to those creatures who felt they had the right to butcher this man - You claim to be Muslims and only God can judge, but read the book you claim to follow and realise that the killing of innocent men, women and children is clearly forbidden - It goes without saying that on a basic level of humanity this is an inexcusable and disgusting act!

The shame is that the stupidity, cruelty and publicity of these pathetic individuals removes the focus from those who are in need within Syria - A problem that Alan Henning was going to address first hand and aiming to work towards a solution. Alan Henning was doing more good for Syria than the masked thugs who took him away from his loved ones. Alan is huge loss to not only his own community here in the UK but to the people he aimed to help in Syria.

To those of you who think the masked men represent any faith I say to you, apply logic and you will realise that these men represent nothing but their own selfish desire (for what purpose I do not know)!

Last but not least, the UK government failed Alan Henning - something they should be held accountable for. This man was a resident of this country, he paid his taxes and served his community - something the government loves to harp on about. Yet when it came to Alan needing them to invest time and money in to his release they failed. They will react to the group, they will pay for the bombs to drop but not the life they could have saved. Regardless, the government will at some point end up in talks with the group (they did so with the IRA and Taliban however they refuse to learn their lesson) at which point it is already to late for Alan. Let us hope no other person becomes a victim of the UK Government & crazy masked men.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

To The People of Syria...

To the people of Syria who fight for its Freedom :

To my Brother and Sisters, Allah has not abandoned you. Know that our prayers are with you & who better than Allah can help you?? Where we can, we try and donate to help you, we do not forget your plight though it may seem like it.

I have no right to advise on a situation that I have no knowledge on but please listen to the following...

You fight for the freedom to be Muslim, to worship Allah without any harm falling upon you and those you love. You are ambassadors of Islam so let your actions reflect that. You are hurt, you have lost a lot in the process but becoming like the tyrants is not a solution to an already complex problem. Alhumdulillah, I have not yet come across anything to suggest that above but let it remain so. We have heard of how our Sisters in Islam are being violated by the Assad army, do not abandon these women. Make them your wives, do not discard them as broken, Allah has not abandon them so you too should seek to help them the best you can. I say this as a reminder, not an accusation, but do not harm the old, the women or the children of the opposition. Protect the orphans best you can, do not take advantage of their situation - our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was of them so treat them with due care. O People of Syria, Allah is the one who grants victory so do not abandon your salah during this testing time nor become arrogant over your triumphs.

As for you Assad - May Allah curse you! You come from a line of tyrants and it is clear you do not seek to repent for your actions. May Allah humiliate you like He did those before you! You WILL die that is guaranteed, just as it promised you will be brought to justice. Allah is the All-Seeing the All-Knowing - nothing can be hidden from HIm, you will answer for EVERY SINGLE action you have taken against the innocent. Your arrogance will end & with it the daily shedding of innocent blood.

Ya Rabb, liberate Syria from the daily tyranny and oppression. Protect the women, the old and the vulnerable. Let them not lose hope in Your Justice and grant them patience. O Allah, reunite those who have been left behind with their loved ones in the highest level of Jannah! Ameen.