Sunday 13 March 2011


May God grant the people of Japan patience in times of such hardship. May He grant them patience and courage to get through and may He instil in the people of the world generosity and love to give to this cause.

What we've seen in Japan is absolutely devastating to say the least. But I'm going to try and put a positively spin on it because we're all aware of the heartache and horror the people of Japan are going to be feeling. Dwelling in the sadness leads to darkness, thinking of the good brings back light into even the darkest of situations.

The whole world has united for the people of the world, we've had so many natural disasters but still the generosity of the people never wanders. It's at times like this we ignore the differences and unite for one cause - the safety and protection of fellow earthlings. The Japanese have taught us a lot. Their investment in preparing for such a natural disaster shows their commitment to their people & most definitley made this far less tragic than it could have been! As much as other nations are trying to sensationalise the issues with the nuclear power plants, the Japanese government has remained calm and in control. There is no doubt that their calm demeanour is going to have a positive affect on the people, no-one wants to see their leaders/protectors frantically trying to put a positive spin on everything.

Natural disasters are one of the most scariest things to have to face. Nature has no limits. When it strikes, it strikes hard - New Orleans, Christchurch, Swat etc are all victims of nature. But its the people that can limit the impact. Donations are a great way of helping, but not just in the first week of the event - donations are needed for months, sometimes even years, to help rebuild lives.

I'm going to go slightly of topic now. What we need to learn from this is that life is incredibly short and we don't control certain aspects of it i.e. death. As much as you may eat healthily, exercise, take your daily vitamins, death can come for you when you least expect it. So prepare yourselves! Make your peace with God, let go of the grudges you hold, ask forgiveness from those you've wronged. I'd rather die knowing I have sought forgiveness - whether it's accepted is another issue - but I tried and that's what counts. If your wasting your days away on computer games or the internet then stop! Go do something that benefits someone else - even if its just writing a thank you letter to your postman!! (Yes, I have done that!) One act of kindness can be imprinted onto a person for a lifetime - although most will say so can a bad one, forgiveness helps glaze over it.

If your reading this and know what I'm saying makes sense then do something about it. Your pride/ego is probably telling you to not take the first step in calling your estranged parent/sibling, but wouldn't you rather give it a go and have a chance at a relationship (if not that, then at least forgiveness) with someone you loved or would you rather carry the bitterness for the rest of your life. Life's too short to let the ugliness of hate have a part in it.

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