Sunday 3 April 2011

Changing your outlook...

I've had enough of the negativity surrounding me. I've had enough of the hate. I've had enough of the constant bickering!! I"VE HAD ENOUGH!!! If you think you've got it tough, then always remember there is always someone out there with it MUCH worse (A reminder for myself first and foremost and then you guys) 

To say March was one of the toughest months of my life is no exaggeration. My young able bodied cousin had a stroke, aged 28. To say it was tough to hear is an understatement, this young man was burnt at the age of 4 and spent most of his life in hospitals having skin grafts, and corrective surgery. He finally decided enough was enough and never went back for more. To say he's had it tough is putting it lightly. At age 14 he lost his father to cancer - becoming the man of the house. He has 2 younger sisters who see him as their father figure, he is literally their world!

Why am I telling you this?
Its easy to start questioning God, why me? Why him? Haven't this family been through enough?
I'm going to be honest, I was surprised I didn't hear that once from my fragile aunt. Seriously, to mention the stuff she's been through would be way too long and too tough. Here's the thing, positivity can help you through any situation in life. There is nothing that can extinguish the positive attitude you have no matter what your facing.

We were told that he had 24 hours that were critically, we'd pretty much lost hope. Yes, we cried. But then we started praying - Remove the harm, O Lord of Mankind & heal Khalid, for You are the Healer & there is no healing execept Your healing, & a healing which does not leave any disease behind. Once the 24 hrs had passed we were overjoyed that he was still among us! We are well aware that he may never speak again and may never be able to move his right side, but guess what, who cares!! We're a tough bunch no matter what happens we'll deal with it. 

Simple things like him putting the volume up on the TV give us soooooo much joy its actually bonkers! When we found out he tried updating facebook (using my young bros phone) we were ecstatic!! That's how we should live our lives...the simple pleasures are never overlooked. When you whack your leg on the table, or your arm into the door be grateful you can sense pain. Im not kidding when I say that. My cousin tried speaking the other day, I've never known what it feels like to have a broken heart, but hearing the sounds from his mouth as he attempted to speak caused me such physical pain I cannot even describe it! But once again, yea he could speak perfectly 2 weeks ago, but this is just a test of our patience and God Willing we will get through it. As long as he keeps up the positivity, that he will improve, then anything is possible! 

The point of this blog? Well, I guess I'm just trying to remind you that even though you may be healthy and able bodied as of this moment in time, your health can be taken away at any moment. Death does not ask permission before it enters your life, so make sujood to the One who created you. Give thanks and treat those close to you in way that if anything was to happen to them you would have no regrets. As a muslim I've had to deal with plenty of hatred towards me, but I really don't care. I have such a precious gem locked up within me, that InshaAllah, nothing and no-one can take away - my Islam!

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