Thursday 13 October 2011

O how beautiful is freedom

Freedom, how do we define it?

For me freedom is the chance to practice my religion freely without any fear. For you it maybe the right to not believe in a God without any fear. For some it may be the right to bare flesh without any fear of repercussions. For others, it might be to roam the world without any restrictions.

What ever it may be, here's the real question, who decides the definition of freedom? If we go by our governments they're very different in different situations.

Anwar Awlaki, a US citizen, was blatantly assassinated by his government. I aint here to discuss his innocence or guilt I'm just stating facts about this case. The US felt they had the right to go and bomb a man in a whole different nation (nothing new there eh!) but here's the thing what if Iran decided to do the same?

What if we turn on the TV tomorrow and see that Iran decided to bomb a small area of the US because a Iranian born Christian man was claimed to be plotting against the nation? Why does Iran not have the same freedom to roam into another nation, unlike the US / UK government? No one blinked an eyelid at the actions of the US - in fact I'm sure some applaud it. Double standards are a bitch!

Now on to the question of freedom - do any of us actually have a legit claim on freedom? Are any of us really free? I'm going to say no.

We are tied down to mortgages, jobs we hate, taxes we have to pay that are stupidly high! We are lured into the consumerist trap - buying crap we don't need but think we want but in fact by the time we get home we realise we didn't! We all have limited freedom, some we impose upon ourself others are imposed on us.

Whoever decided to come up with the term freedom conned us all - freedom is an illusion we all strive for, but in doing so the journey there is a beautiful one. We all stand as one for a cause we believe in, you just need to look at the Wall Street protests to see that! An even more beautiful example was the Egypt protests (however the recent turmoil is not so exemplary).

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