Monday 28 February 2011


Have you ever had anything taken from you? I haven't but my sister did. In secondary school someone stole her phone. I was so angry that someone went through her belongings and took her property I hit a wall (yes I'm aware I'm not the smartest kid!) and my knuckles were sensitive for a good few years.

The point of this story? I'm coming to it, just bare with me.

Have you ever been mugged? Or has anything been taken without your permission but you know it'll get returned but the principle of taking without asking pissed you off to a point you lost your temper?

Now imagine this...You kiss your wife goodbye and head off to work. Your wage is hardly worth the work, but anything is better than nothing. After a tough day at work (like always) you make your way home. You know your on the right street but you can't find your home, you keep going round in circles now panicking! Where is your wife? Where is your home? You happen to see your neighbour in a surrounding area and ask "what has happened??" and he replies "they took your home and they took your wife!" How do you feel? What are you going to do?? This is the threat that looms over EVERY Palestinian, those that aren't feeling this threat are those that this has already happened to!

Well they deserve it, they're terrorist? No they're not! Imagine having your home taken, having your wife taken, who would you normally go to? The police? Palestine is an  OCCUPIED land, the courts are of those who are OCCUPYING them. So of course they're going to turn to those who offer them the justice their hearts are yurning for. Imagine finding out a soldier killed/violated your wife, your daughter or your mother! Your going to want to get justice, no matter what the cost. Therefore they turn to the "extremists".

We can't imagine the suffering they go through daily, because most of us live in a free land, where no matter what your religion, ethnicity and gender we can argue our cases and get the justice we want. They cannot! I was angry beyond belief that someone took my sisters PHONE, these peoples HOMES, JOBS, MEN AND WOMEN are being taken without any justification and without any warning!

The same has happened with over 700 men that the US army kidnapped and took to an Island they'd never heard of! Guantanamo Bay Prison is just as great a violation of human rights as is the continuous occupation of Palestinian land by the Israeli state.

The discussion of the illegality Guantanamo Bay Prison is for another blogpost :)

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post. I think that most Americans don't understand about Palestine. I didn't learn the truth about it until about 7 or 8 years ago. So WRONG! Enjoy your Tweets, now will read ur blog!Blessings.
