Wednesday 14 December 2011


This new bill is a whole load of cods wallop!!

Never has and never will indefinite detention on home soil or abroad been a reasonable or effective solution. The idea of it is preposterous!

All indefinite detention (without trial) does is incite more hatred and animosity between the two parties.
Since when has actually standing by the principles that your nation was founded upon been a weakness? Since when has been fair and just been a weakness? Since when has such obvious stupidity and oppression been acceptable!! Oh I could go on forever!!!!

This doesn't just affect US citizens it affects any one from any country - why can the US decide my fate! If you want to find out more details about the bill then feel free to google it - I am not going to copy and paste facts so that you either assume I am bias or that I have pasted snippets that suit me.

All these types of laws do is encourage stereotyping and discrimination. They also give radicals' material and motive to continue saying what they say. The government only has itself to thank when a young boy is torn away from his father and later goes on to exact his revenge. If anything the government should spend the money they intend to waste on keeping people locked up forever on rehabilitation. Does it really cost that much more to sit and talk things through...this method only has benefits.
If you are arrested and face the prospect of indefinite detention then you are willing to do anything to get out of it - FACT! But once you start attending group circles that actually face the issues rather than bury them it catches your attention, and you begin to listen. Eventually you start interacting,  then start voicing your opinion which leads to counter arguments. These counter arguments may go against your opinion but the logic behind them trumps yours - resulting in a change in your beliefs and attitude. If the people who hold you treat you with respect or at the very least treat you right then you cannot complain...but if they are first class tossers to you then you believe you have every right to hate them and to tell your family how awful they are which spreads and leads to further hatred towards the system in place. Kindness has never and will never be a weakness. Ignorance and fear is, these new laws in place just show us how afraid the US is...surely a nation with confidence in their abilities would not stoop to such low levels.

Yes my method may be way too simple to be effective, but usually the simplest and most obvious method is!!

Next time Iran does something to its own citizens & the US releases some pathetic statement then I wholeheartedly hope Iran tells them to F*** off! The US has lost the right to be known as the "land of the free...", well done Obama!

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