Saturday 3 December 2011

Tis the season to be jolly...

Not to put a downer on things - but is it really?

I'm sitting in my warm house knowing my dads sounds asleep in good health, while there is a child out there who has never seen / met his father because my government won't bring him back from Guantanamo Bay.

Shaker Aamer, has been held for almost 10 years - for 10 years old his children have been unable to see him or hear his voice! He was unofficially cleared for released in 2007 and officially for 2 years, so why does the government still insist on using up valuable tax payer money on keeping him holed up there??!

Why are we blind and deaf to this injustice!! When you sit around your table on Christmas eve and all wake up to open your gifts on the 25th, think about those who are waking up holed in cells they DO NOT belong in. Think about those children who are unjustly being punished by being separated from their fathers. To bring the man back to this country is the just thing to do, even if he goes to another prison cell atleast he's a step closer to home than he is now. Recently, Clive Stafford Smith wrote an open letter on how he believes if he is not released soon Shaker Aamer will die there. Imagine you were his son / daughter reading that, you know according to the law he SHOULD be a free man...but yet he's not.

What kind of justice is this? Have we totally lost our sense of righteousness that we can stand by and let this happen?

What can we do to help? How are we going to bring him back - what authority do I have?

Your probably thinking all the above - write to your local MP, heck write to the PM! Or at the very least bring awareness to the issue because although you might not be able to make the change someone out there may be able to and how are they going to do so if they aren't aware...

So this Christmas Day when you open your gifts, just remember how fortunate you are. And if you are a person who prays, I ask that you pray that justice is served and Shaker Aamer and his family are granted freedom from the shackles of tyranny and blatant injustice.

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